Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Stanthorpe Showgrounds
welcomes you to ....
New members need to complete a membership application form and submit to the secretary.
Select the form or the button, to be taken to the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society's membership form. This is an interactive pdf form so you can follow these instructions:
Save the form somewhere on your device.
Pay your fees using the direct deposit details and obtain a receipt number (You need the receipt number to enter into the form).
Ensure you include your name as a reference.
Complete the form and save.
Email the form to the secretary at
Existing members
Existing members will receive an invoice from the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society. The invoice will include an invoice number that is unique to your membership. Follow these instructions:
Select the relevant buttons or scan the relevant QR code.
You will be taken to our square payment system. Go to checkout.
Enter your phone number, email, name and address.
In the Appt/Floor/Suite field enter in your invoice number.
Enter in your card details to pay.
Annual membership fees are:
Single: $20.00
Double/Couple/Family: $40.00 (includes all members own children under 18)
Online payments
Membership renewals can be made online up to the Wednesday before the show. Pay through your usual internet banking and use the invoice number you received with your membership renewal reminder as the reference.
See Pay online buttons above.
In person payment
Membership payments can be made at the show office on Monday to Friday during office hours up to and including the Thursday before the show.
Badge collection at office
Membership badges can be collected at the show office on Monday to Friday during office hours (excluding public holidays) up to the Friday before the show.
Badge collection at entry gate
Badges will not be able to be collected at the gate.
Contact the secretary or membership coordinator at the show office on:
Phone: 07 4681 2107
Membership benefits
Membership to the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society affords the member the following privileges:
Admission to grounds for duration of the show for adult members upon production of membership badges
- Admission of member's children (under 18 years) when accompanied by a current member.
Admission for horse or vehicle to the grounds.
The right to vote at the annual or any special general meeting.
The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society has entered into a reciprocal arrangement with Warwick, Tenterfield, Killarney and Allora Show Societies whereby a ticket issued by one Society entitles the holder to free admission t0 the annual show at any of the reciprocal shows.
Discounted tickets to show society ticketed events.
Members may also receive information from our sponsors.
Key dates
Mon 4/12/23 Membership opens for the calendar year 1 Jan - 31 Dec.
Sun 10/12/23 Office open from 8:00am to 12:30pm at combined markets
Fri 15/12/23: OFFICE CLOSED for Xmas/New Year shutdown
Mon 8/1/24: OFFICE OPENS 9.30am - 3pm Mon-Fri
Fri 26/1/24: OFFICE CLOSED Australia Day public holiday
Thu 1/2/24: Final day for membership payment at office and collection of badges
Fri 2/2/24 to Sun 4/2/24: SHOW TIME
Life membership
Life membership to the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society is a privilege and reward for outstanding contribution and support to either a specific subcommittee or to the Society as a whole.
Life members can be awarded their badges either at the show or at the AGM.
Here is a list of current life members of the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Alan & Carol Batterham
Gillian Boucher
Joe & Sue Boyce
Tere Bonner
Dan Bougoure
Neville & Joyce Bryant
Ted Carrol
Keith Cobon
Sam & Grace Costanzo
Shane & Dulcie Dullahide
Beth Finlay
Nancy Gimm
Margaret Harvey
Joyce Haynes
Graeme & Kathy Heath
Del Hohenhaus
Terry Hopgood
Preben Jacobsen
Kerry Johnson
Doug Kent
William (Bill) Kerr
Anne Kerr
Margery Mann
Jim & Del Mitchell
Doug Mitchell
David & Marlene Muir
Lyn Mungall
Barry Murphy
Julie Murphy
Derek & Sandy Newton
George & Val Patterson
Sam & Connie Puglisi
Angelo & Mary Puglisi
Ray & Claire Schnitzerling
Michael & Gail Smail
Joan Stevenson
Ian & Lee Townsend
Jim & Karen Tulloch
Phil & Jenny Warr
Ken & Teena Wilcock
David & Stella Williams
Elaine Winks