Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Stanthorpe Showgrounds
welcomes you to ....
Contact details
Main office:
located on the southern wall of the exhibition centre on High St
Hours of opening:
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
NOTE: Xmas closures apply.
Email: -secretary@stanagsociety.com.au
07 4681 2107 (not camping)
Address: 8 High Street, Stanthorpe
Show office:
07 4681 2107 (not camping)
0428 833 113
Camping - All enquiries
0493 088 769
0428 195 202
Showgrounds markets:
0427 813 231
Livestock selling centre:
Entry to the livestock selling centre is via Club Rd, Stanthorpe**
**Please note that the Club Rd gate is locked at all times for security reasons. A suitable delivery time needs to be arranged with the caretaker prior to delivery of stock.
General enquiries
For general enquiries and further information about the society, please contact the secretary using this form:
Getting there
From Warwick, continue south to Stanthorpe on the New England Highway. Past the Caltex service station and McDonalds, turn left from the highway into High St. Continue for 1km and the Stanthorpe Showgrounds will be on your right.
From Tenterfield, continue north to Stanthorpe on the New England Highway. You can either:
Take the southern entry/exit into Stanthorpe by turning into Wallangarra Rd at the southern entry/exit roundabout, Follow Wallangarra Rd into Stanthorpe town, drive through town and continue for another 3 km. Stanthorpe Showgrounds will be on your left past the Top of the Town Caravan Park, or
Continue through the roundabout on the New England Highway to the northern entry/exit to/from Stanthorpe, which will be on your right past the Granite Belt Wine Tourism facility. As you turn right off the highway, you will be turning into High St. Continue for 1km and the Stanthorpe Showgrounds will be on your right.