Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Stanthorpe Showgrounds
welcomes you to ....

Life membership
Life membership to the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society is a privilege and reward for outstanding contribution and support to either a specific subcommittee or to the Society as a whole.
New life members
Life members can be awarded their badges either at the show or at the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society AGM.
In 2024, life membership was awarded at the AGM in June, to Dee Booth for continuous contribution to the handcraft subcommittee, cookery subcommittee, general committee and vice-president, and partner Anne Lindsay.
At the 2025 Stanthorpe Show, life membership will be awarded to Pete Reimers for continuous contribution to the sheep and wool subcommittee, and wife Amanda Reimers.
Current life members
Alan & Carol Batterham
Dee Booth
Gillian Boucher
Sue Boyce
Tere Bonner
Dan Bougoure
Neville & Joyce Bryant
Ted Carrol
Keith Cobon
Sam & Grace Costanzo
Shane & Dulcie Dullahide
Beth Finlay
Nancy Gimm
Margaret Harvey
Kathy Heath
Del Hohenhaus
Terry Hopgood
Kerry Johnson
Doug Kent
William (Bill) Kerr
Anne Kerr
Anne Lindsay
Margery Mann
Jim & Del Mitchell
Doug Mitchell
David & Marlene Muir
Lyn Mungall
Barry Murphy
Julie Murphy
Derek & Sandy Newton
George & Val Patterson
Sam & Connie Puglisi
Angelo & Mary Puglisi
Michael & Gail Smail
Ian & Lee Townsend
Jim & Karen Tulloch
Phil & Jenny Warr
Ken & Teena Wilcock
David & Stella Williams
Elaine Winks