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The Stanthorpe Showgrounds is a fully fenced, multi-function 70ha facility comprising almost a dozen different venues and facilities. From fully serviced open spaces to meeting and function rooms, right through to clear span exhibition buildings, the Stanthorpe Showgrounds is sure to have a venue to suit your needs and budget.


Select from the links below for detailed information on each type of facility available for hire. 


To book a facility for an event, please complete the event application form and submit to

Event calendar

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Select the button to be taken to the Stanthorpe Showgrounds event calendar.

PLEASE NOTE: Multiple events can take place on the grounds if they are using different locations.

Event application form

Document with Pen
Select the button to complete the event application form for events at Stanthorpe Showgrounds. This form is available as an online or manual version.

Completing this form ensures your event will be considered in our systems.

Pavilions for hire

Select the buttons below to find about the pavilions available for hire:

Meeting rooms for hire

Select the buttons below to find out about meeting rooms available for hire:

Bars for hire

Main Bar Lions revamp 2016.jpg
Select the button below to find about bars and beer garden facilities available for hire:

Arenas for hire

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Select the button below to find out about ring and arena facilities available for hire:

Ringmaster's Cafe

Cafe 1.jpg
Select the button below to find out about the cafe and kitchen facilities available for hire:

Events hosted by the Society

Select the appropriate button below to find out more about events hosted by the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society:

Ticket conditions

Below are ticket conditions applicable to online tickets purchased through Humanitix for Stanthorpe Agricultural Society events:



  1. Tickets are provided by Humanitix for the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society (event provider).

  2. By purchasing a ticket through Humanitix you agree to these conditions.


  1. Tickets are only valid if sold or provided through Humanitx. Tickets that are sold or resold in other ways, or obtained by fraudulent means, will not be valid and can be cancelled by Humanitix or the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society at any time, without refund.

  2. Ticket proceeds are held in a separate trust account and will be refunded subject to paragraphs 8 and 9 of these ticketing conditions.

  3. Transaction fees or other fees e.g. booking fee, may also apply. You will be made aware of the ticket prices and any other fees and charges before you place your order.


  1. Refunds and exchanges are only available in the limited circumstances set out in the paragraphs below which set out the circumstances when a refund will not apply. Please ensure you are happy with your purchase before you place your order.

  2. ​You will not be entitled to reimbursement of auxiliary expenses (e.g. cost of travel, car-parking, child-care, accommodation), even in the case that you receive a refund of your ticket.

  3. If the event is cancelled, rescheduled, significantly relocated or is materially different to how it was advertised, you will be entitled to a refund.

  4. Unless paragraph 8 applies, you will not be entitled to a refund and must not dispute the transaction with any credit card provider, bank or financial institution, including in any of the following circumstances:


  • temporary event stop or technical glitch that is corrected in a reasonable time

  • you or others are unable to attend the event or leave the event for whatever reason, including, for example because:
    you or others become ill
    you do not enjoy the event
    unforeseen circumstances require you to be elsewherE
    - the event is not what you expected
    you miss the event or part of it because you arrive late e.g. travel delays
    other personal reasons


  • tickets have been resold/purchased through an unauthorised route e.g. Viagogo

  • you are denied entry or asked to leave the venue

  • you are denied entry to the venue because you cannot produce your ticket

  • tickets were purchased using a stolen credit card or by another fraudulent way.



  1. By purchasing a ticket through Humanitix, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and handling of your personal information by the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society in accordance with Queensland Government privacy rules.

  2. Where your personal information is provided to the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society, the privacy policy of that organisation will also apply.



  1. These ticketing conditions are subject to Australian Consumer Law.

  2. If any part of these ticketing conditions is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it will be disregarded to the extent of its invalidity and the remainder of these ticketing conditions will remain in full force and effect.

  3. These ticketing conditions are governed by the laws of Queensland, Australia.

About us

PIC #:                      QKST0814

ABN #:                    72 480 288 449

Reg. for GST?:       Yes

Incorporation #:    CP 1819 

DGR status?:          No

Find us

Address:    8 High Street, Stanthorpe





Contact Us

Secretary:       07 4681 2107 (not camping)

President:       0428 833 113

Camping:         0493 088 769

Events:            0428 195 202

Markets:          0427 813 231

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© 2023 Proudly created by Stanthorpe Agricultural Society volunteers using


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